
This blog is run by a few literary amateurs, as we like to call ourselves; Madisun, Celeste, and Ryan. We decided to create this space for us to share our poetry casually, without an agenda. We don’t all write about the same things and we don’t write the same way, but we share a love for creating and exploring through the written word in poetic form. We hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoy giving it life.


“I grew up hearing artists say that their work just sort of came to them. That they just felt inspired and let it flow. Since I started writing I’ve never liked that whole schtick. It’s what discouraged me from creating earlier— thinking that if it challenged me then it must not be what I’m made for. Evidently that challenge has become what makes me love poetry. There are these hard parts of life that seem to rule us in the moment. Poetry allows us to take hold of these moments, squish them into a ball in and chuck them to the wind. It’s cathartic to describe the human experience the way you want to. It’s connection and expression. Which is why the three of us are here, pushing each other, collaborating, shamelessly hoping for exposure. Hope you enjoy.” -Madisun

“I never thought what I was doing was poetry. From a young age I would write to myself, journaling when my emotions couldn’t take being piled up, jam packed inside my head any longer. I am an extremely introspective person, I stay close to my inner self yet I’m also an extrovert. Writing has always been personal for me, filling up journals or the notepads in my phone or waking up in the middle of the night with a random urge to write. It’s the only expression that makes sense to me to heal, besides photography which I am also an amateur at. This passion for words unraveled more than ever during the most challenging, mind wrenching and heart bending season of my life thus far. Taking a year off college on medical leave for chronic migraines was the worst and best thing that’s ever happened to me. Writing was the only place I felt free, at peace and somehow through the suffering, and because of it, did some of my most disastrous beautiful abstract thoughts crawl out of me and pull me forward. With how much I wrote everyday I decided to email some of my journal entries to an author I was supposed to do a public relations internship for that year in school. I just didn’t know what to do with what I was writing and flat out asked her if these are poems. Her response is one of the main reasons I choose to share my poetry on a social media platform to this day. She told me my poems need to be heard and if not for profit then simply because the world needs to hear it, you never know the ripple effect your words are capable of and who may need to come across them in this very moment. Writing will always be that escape that makes me stay, that makes me put my fists down lift my heart and fight. It’s a passion that I don’t know exactly what I’ll do with, but know I’ll always have and it can never be taken away from me. I am thankful for where my words come from; the depths and heights, the crumbling barriers, and trembling persistent love existing within that transforms my life everyday. I look forward to sharing some of my poetry on this blog with these dear friends and classmates from my first ever creative writing poetry class! I’m currently working in Human Resources and have an internship leading girls on outdoor adventures. My hobbies include writing with a coconut chai near by, yoga, eating tacos, and photography adventures anywhere outside!” -Celeste

“I used to not like poetry – I thought it was too abstract and couldn’t make any sense of it. Then I took a class about writing poetry (where I met the other members of this blog) and the picture became a bit less blurry. I’m still learning a lot about what poetry is and how to use it to express how I feel and what I’m thinking about, but I really enjoy it. Taking an experience or moment and putting it into words is such a challenging endevour, but so rewarding. I love the process of tweaking words, ordering them and changing them until the lines read just right.  I also write fiction (mainly sci-fi) and music reviews, and spend time with my cat, Athena. I currently live in the Los Angeles Area.” -Ryan

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